I was first introduced to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) in 2007 while suffering from chronic Medial Epicondilitis
(also known as golfer's elbow).
I had been suffering from a hot, swollen, excruciatingly painful elbow for 11 months, and losing sleep every night from the pain. During that time, my Doctor prescribed me two cortisone shots, a MRI, three different arm braces, and physical therapy, all while I continued to self prescribe 5000+mg of Tylenol per day. My pain was dulled, but my elbow was never cured.
I will be eternally grateful for the day I was encouraged to try acupuncture treatments for my elbow. With nothing to lose, I went to my first appointment. I slept through that entire first night after my treatment, and woke up the next morning feeling better than GREAT! For the first time in 11 months, I woke up with almost no pain in my elbow.
Over the next week, I went back for two more acupuncture treatments and my elbow was completely healed. It has been eight years since my first treatment and I haven't had an issue with my elbow since.
During that same week of treatment, I was blessed with the opportunity to attend an open house at the highly revered Pacific College of Oriental Medicine (PCOM). I enrolled in their four-year program three days after my first treatment!
My personal experience with acupuncture is what inspired me to share this ancient and beautiful medicine with as many people as possible. I finally found what I already knew to be true, that there was something out there that really did heal, and not just Band-Aid one's health issues.
PCOM offered many different internships & practicals which I took advantage of during the course of my studies. I treated many patients at the onsite PCOM clinic, along with treating patients at their offsite clinic for seniors in Downtown San Diego. I worked at their Pacific Beach clinic for the homeless, and also at San Diego Hospice.
In 2011 I completed the four-year progam at PCOM and earned my M.S. degree in Traditional Oriental Medicine. Shortly after graduation I passed the California State Exam and became a licensed Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner (L.Ac.)
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is my life's passion and I want to share this medicine with everyone. At my clinic, my goal is to help you regain your health and live a life of optimal wellness. As your Chinese Medicine Practitioner, your trust and privacy are my number one priority and I run the clinic with the utmost integrity for all my clients.
If you have questions or would like to book an appointment, please contact me at 858.699.3266. I look forward to serving you and your family.